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Federico Ferrari

federico ferrari is the author of technological paranoid

Federico Ferrari delivered 27 works to Jupiter Editions.

Of the 27 works, 6 belong to a valuable hexalogy.

Technological Paranoid belongs to the valuable hexalogy.  

Technological Information Society

is one of the titles of one of the works delivered already revealed by the author.

PSY- chiatryc love  is one of the titles of another work delivered by the author.

The System Psychologist  is the name of another work delivered by the author.

Talking to the System is one of the other titles.

Interning Market with Psychiatry

Intern the Law with Psychiatry

Law of Psychiatry are another 3 titles.

The Lawyer-Psychiatrist  is another title revealed by the author.

DEMOS of Technological Paranoid

Original drawing in charcoal pencil of the first cover of Paranoid Tecnológica

Theological Paranoid  belongs to a valuable  hexalogy

with an important set of 6 susceptible works and all potential editorial framing of Jupiter Editions, however, the remaining 5 works are subject to the Editorial©JUPITER EDITIONS Contest serialized by the Jupiter Court of Contests and Auctions, and can only be framed in this hexalogy one work at a time in each series of the Editorial©Jupiter Editions Contest, although the 2nd series of 2 works and the 3rd series of 3 works may be included, as per art.1 of the Publishing Contract entered into between Jupiter Editions and the author.

It is not yet public whether any of the revealed titles of unpublished works are part of the hexalogy or are works outside of the hexalogy. The Publishing Contract between Jupiter Editions and the author can be consulted by Member Readers at the Jupiter Editions Museum .

Consulting the contract we know that the contract gives 50 advantage points to the author as a Member Writer as an Author In Contest with Hexalogy  in the next 9 series of the Editorial©JUPITER EDITIONS Contest when it competes with the remaining works of its hexalogy, ending the advantage score if any of the remaining works of the hexalogy does not fall into the next 9 series of the Editorial © JUPITER EDITIONS Contest.

We also know that the contract gives the author 40 points of advantage as a Member Writer as an Author In Competition With Previous Edition Contract in the next 9 series of the Editorial Competition © JUPITER EDITIONS when competing with his other 21 works outside the hexalogy.

Pursuant to article 4 of the Publishing Contract, Jupiter Editions is obliged to return the remainder of the works to the author if the remainder of the ennealogy is not included in the 12th Editorial Plan of Jupiter Editions.

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