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The System Authors

A delicious and addictive top-secret parliamentary legal intrigue. A group of dormant lawmakers are relaxed at a round table. In this informal environment, sometimes quite intimate, they make laws bringing new codes and new rights to the current society in the current market. It really feels like we're under their table, hiding, listening and witnessing the birth of power in real time. It's a mixture of desires. On the one hand, it makes you want to stay under the table and listen to them in a new addiction. On the other hand, it makes you want to get out from under the table and sit with them too, pick up the ballpoint pen and scratch out the old codes with them and write the new codes with them.


Author: Sebastião Lupi-Levy

Genre: Criticism in Technological Intrigue


Worth 3 Jupiter Coins



    pages: 160

    size: 150x210mm

    approximate weight: 250g

The Authors of the Sebastião Lupi-Levy System

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€40.00Sale Price
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