Teatro de Pré-Aviso: Chuva de Dados

O Outro Algoritmo do Amor

V Desgostos de Amor Dark Net
9mins. Theater recorded on 5/5/2022. Published in Kanal 66 on 11/05/2022 and published in Kanal Jupiter on 24/05/2022. The Theater ofThe Other Algorithm of Love was published in Kanal 66 together with the videos ofProcess File No. 666 - Divorce between Jupiter and Saturn- and published the 360-page game-episode demo d'AMAlgorithms Act and with references. To see the other videos, the demo and the references go to channel 66. the demo d'AMAlgorithms Actit is also available online in masons diary.
50 mins. Recorded on 02/11/2022. Published in Kanal 66 on 15/02/2022 and published in Kanal Jupiter on 24/05/2022. This video is the 5th video of the Atelier ProgramDark Net: Piracy, Terrorism and Heartbreak.To watch the other videos of the Atelier Program go to Kanal 66. It is the 1st program on Kanal 66. All rights reserved © Raul Catulo Morais with Jupiter Editions ®
Internet of Things (Sit-Down Comedy)
Internet of Things (Sit-Down Comedy)

Renault Clio ou Mercedes?

Poderes Mágicos

6+6+12mins. Videos published between January 21st and 29th inFilm-Documentary 66mins 6 secs(Illuminati Games) Published in Kanal 66 on 26/03/2022 and published in Kanal Jupiter on 24/05/2022. Jupiter Editions ® All rights reserved © Raul Catulo Morais

2080?? Mas nós estamos em que ano???
3mins. 1st sketch of Teatro das Obras - "2080? But what year are we in?" recorded in real time on 11/28/2021 during theIlluminnatti Games. Published in Kanal 66 on 8/05/2022 and published in Kanal Jupiter on 24/05/2022. All rights reserved © Raul Catulo Morais with Jupiter Editions ® Credits to Tiago Talhamares in the Chamber of Jupiter Editions with 4 eyes.
opening jupiter's windows...

Processos Faculdade de Direito
5mins. Recorded on 4/05/2022. Published on Kanal 66 on 8/05/2022 and published on Kanal Jupiter on 24/05/2022.All rights reserved © Raul Catulo Morais with Jupiter Editions ® Credits to Tiago Talhamares in the Chamber of Jupiter Editions with 6 eyes
9 Teatros Maçónicos: Ordem dos Psicólogos e Ordem dos Médicos - Divã
9 Teatros Maçónicos: Ordem dos Psicólogos e Ordem dos Médicos - Divã

Jogo de Facas - Protocolos

Só por causa do cirurgião

O cirurgião estava no barbeiro
9+9+9mins. Recorded on 5/5/2022. Published on Kanal 66 on 8/05/2022 and published on Kanal Jupiter on 24/05/2022. You9 Masonic Theaters of the Order of Psychologists and the Order of Physiciansit was published on Kanal 66 with references. For references go to Kanal 66 © Raul Catulo Morais with Jupiter Editions ®All rights reserved © Raul Catulo Morais & Tiago Talhamares with Jupiter Editions ® Credits to Tiago Talhamares in the Chamber of Jupiter Editions with 6 eyes
opening jupiter's themes..
To make a donation to Raul you can do it by bank transfer to o IBAN PT50 0033 0000 4553 6831 4880 5 ouMB WAY (00351)964190565. To make a donation to another actor, angel, promoter, ambassador or collaborator of Kanal Jupiter, you can use the same IBAN or MB WAY, however you must send an email to manager@jupitereditions.com or WhatsApp to (00351) 964190565 indicating the name of the grantee if the grantee is not Raul.

Feira dos Cérebros: Bioética, Inteligência e Felicidade
1h10mins. Recorded on 03/19/2022. Published on Kanal 66 on 20/03/2022 and published on Kanal Jupiter on 24/05/2022. This video is the 3rd video of the Atelier ProgramReckoning: Intelligence and Well-Being (Brain Fair) To watch the other rehearsal videos of the Settlement of Accounts go to Channel 66. © Raul Catulo Morais with Jupiter Editions ®
To make a donation to Raul you can do it by bank transfer to o IBAN PT50 0033 0000 4553 6831 4880 5 ouMB WAY (00351)964190565. To make a donation to another actor, angel, promoter, ambassador or collaborator of Kanal Jupiter, you can use the same IBAN or MB WAY, however you must send an email to manager@jupitereditions.com or WhatsApp to (00351) 964190565 indicating the name of the grantee if the grantee is not Raul.
Waiting for... Official dos demoIlluminati Games
Upcoming publications planned on the channel:
Sun, Oct 23 9pm
Thursday, Oct 27th 9pm
Sat, Oct 29 4pm
To make a donation to Raul you can do it by bank transfer to o IBAN PT50 0033 0000 4553 6831 4880 5 ouMB WAY (00351)964190565. To make a donation to another actor, angel, promoter, ambassador or collaborator of Kanal Jupiter, you can use the same IBAN or MB WAY, however you must send an email to manager@jupitereditions.com or WhatsApp to (00351) 964190565 indicating the name of the grantee if the grantee is not Raul.