"Book on the table. Discount on the table."
Jupiter Editions establishes partnerships with vegetarian restaurants or restaurants that do not sell red meat or that are willing to change menus and remove red meat during the partnership. Before Jupiter Editions closes a partnership with a restaurant, Jupiter Editions talks to all employees to find out if they are happy and if the work environment is dignified and healthy. The base of the pyramid decision is always based on the base. Jupiter Editions looks at the bases and pillars of the pyramids. Only if you like the bases will you climb to the top.

"Book in the Hand. Discount on the plane."
Jupiter Editions establishes partnerships with airlines that pay happiness wages to captain pilots, second pilots and flight attendants.
"Always in Fashion with Jupiter Editions in the Future of Vegan Clothing and Leather"
Jupiter Editions establishes partnerships with brands of clothing, cosmetics, perfumes, shoes and fashion that are 100% vegan and do not use animal fur or that have joined the program.Fur Free Retailer.
The Fur Free Retailer program is an important worldwide program that connects fur-free companies aimed at an audience that seeks to make smarter purchasing choices for more ethical goods. What does it mean that when we buy currently products from brands that have joined the Fur Free Retailer program, we know that no animal has suffered. This is important for us to be able to see that important brands do not cause blood or suffering and that we are dealing with groups and companies of brands that are committed to obtaining their raw materials in a more ethical and sustainable way.
“The production of fur from animals imposes significant adverse impacts on both the environment and human health. Far from being a natural resource, the production of animal skins is an intensely toxic process (...) polluting the soil, rivers, seas and oceans. (...) "feeds" a severe ecological footprint (...)»online source inFur Free Alliance
We know that the vegan leather market is a promising market estimated at 89.6 billion dollars by Vegan Business.
Grape skins, stems and pips, pinatex (pineapple by-product), recycled paper, recycled rubber, tree bark, cork, mushrooms, tea, soy, corn and grains coffee are examples of vegetable sources used for the production of vegan leather. A visit to the New Vegan Leather and Imitation Leather Factories with Jupiter Editions Writing Workshop is part of the Jupiter Agenda.